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Un post condiviso da ProfGianca (@profgianca)

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Un post condiviso da MaestraMarta (


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Un post condiviso da Sabrina Sili (@maestra_sabretta)

“I gave it to my 10 year old daughter and she loved it. It’s a game done very well in every detail. The accompanying book is interesting.”

“Everything perfect, the game and the book inside are worth all the money”

“Parcel arrived in less than 24 hours. Very special game, where you notice the immense work of design and development. The volume with curiosities about mathematics is very interesting. My daughter, who likes this subject, is very enthusiastic.”

“A game with simple mechanics, easy to learn, and which allows you to use different levels of questions. In this way children and adults can play at the same time having fun and challenging themselves with calculations and problems to solve.”

“This educational game is a lot of fun. Thanks to its 4 levels, it allows players of different levels to play together. Learning by playing is a challenge that the inventor of Mathematicus has managed to brilliantly integrate into his game.”